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Match Report vs NOW 15 June 2023 @ Wenvoe (Skipper Luvvers, report Maxy)

A hot sunny Wenvoe evening, perfect conditions where there was to be room for excuses what ever the outcome against an apparent enthusiastic Orchestra side.

With a 6pm start some Casuals displayed exceptional Keenness arriving a good 45 mins before the start, was this the secret to some performances or just to have an extra cigarette or 2!!

Having lost the toss we were fielding.

The open ‘attack’ comprised with the pairing of Lewis and Maxi with Lewis coming in form the Pavillion end and Maxi from the Football ground end.

Both Lewis and Maxi gave there all during their spells with both bowlers mixing it up between the right and left handed batsman. Both were dismissed to the boundary more times than they would have liked with fast outfield being a contributory factor plus the odd six!! The spell eventually saw Maxi take a wicket where an inside edge played on to his stumps this was great relief as had previously seen a seemingly straight forward catch dropped by Steve O where he claimed to be ‘blinded by the sun’ was this a sign that it wasn’t going to be Steve O’s night??!!

Up stepped the next bowling attack where Warren and Thomas had been eagerly awaiting to unleash their individual tricks with a mixture of pace (ish) and cunning deception. After Warren’s mislay first over giving away a single run came Thomas. A dot ball to open followed by a wicket!! Another well judged Casual catch taken by Dean. After seeing that over out Warren returned and again was very economical with 1 run coming from the first 4 deliveries. The 5th ball proved to be decisive with the batsman being relieved of his leg stump (i think??) A steady couple of overs followed with runs few and far between then Thomas struck again with his penultimate ball of his 3rd over claiming another victim!! At the end the end of this bowling partnership Orchestra were approx 90 odd for 4 with 4 overs to go. Who would be called on next to close out the attack??

Up stepped Steve O for who you could see was full of anger and furore which could possibly have been orchestrated by the Spartans defence of communal area upon arrival or as a result of labelling Rhys an Ugly C*** earlier in the game . . . Rhys is one of the better looking Casuals so glad his anger wasn’t vented to certain other members!!

His first over was similar to previous bowlers where again a couple of fast boundary’s were dispatched with no return. Then came Dean still on a high from his catch. His first over was a challenging over conceding a few off the bat. The final overs proved less costly with Orchestra eventually setting a target of 142 to win . . . Could it be done??

First out to face the Orchestra attack was Davies and Owen’s whom both have been in fine form recently so nothing but positive vibes throughout the Casual Camp.

A nice 2 by Davies appeared to set the standard until Davies decided to help a ‘marginally’ wide delivery down the leg in the keepers hands!! 3-1 not the start we wanted!! Next came out Wilkes to accompany Owen’s in the middle with both then making steady progress keeping the board ticking over at a nice rate until Wilkes was bowled for 10 with casuals now 34-2, not quite alarm bells but next to come was Steve O who entered the sun baked Wenvoe arena with his usual gladiatorial swagger whilst under his breath labelling every person in view on his way to the crease a c*** including the Umpires!!

The partnership began but not how was expected!!After a single by Steve O came a succession of well timed boundaries from both players, was this going to be a beautiful relationship?? No, more of an affair or possibly Tit on the outside as Owen’s was bowled for 17. Next to join Steve O was Rupert (Rob but like most new members real names are irrelevant!!) A quick couple of singles then falling to a C & B and given his marching orders. With the score now 51 - 4 after 8 overs the once strong Vibe was starting to flag but who would know what this now unlikely partnership of Steve O and Hodkinson would bring? It would bring runs and 30 of them including singles, boundaries and an always appreciated 3 but don’t think either Hodkinson or Steve O appreciated in the heat or any time come to that but we did!!

Hodkinson eventually fell for 15 with the score now on 81-5 with 8 overs or so to go so still work to be done. Now to enter was Lewis who was fuelled by extra nicotine and coming off a spell of bowling with no reward, something he neither likes or is used to!! From moment Steve O and Lewis paired up the unexpected excitement grew with countless boundaries, singles and 6’s for which both Lewis and Steve O claimed one each!! The scoreboard advanced with pace but at the same time anticipation of the next fall of wicket grew with remainder of the batting line up confident they would be called upon any moment. But . . . this was not be as both batsman displayed excellent stamina and resilience in the searing heat with shot after shot even Foxy was knocking cans back and crushing them on the sidelines as the excitement took over him. With over an over to spare the winning runs were struck with both Steve O and Lewis ending with magnificent display of 31 not out each!! An all round great effort by all Casz involved and a true spectacle to be hold - I was there!!



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