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Match Report vs Talygarn 07 June 2023 @ Llandaff Fields (Skipper Luvvers, report Rob)

It was Coldplay’s second night at the Stadium, combined with Glammy at Sophia Gardens in the Blast. Despite various traffic warnings, most of the players were feeling Yellow as they looked for somewhere / anywhere to dump their cars.

9 man Talygarn, who were only 6 at this point, win the toss and put themselves in to bat. Used parks pitches are usually a bowling Paradise, but could Dan and Goffy weave their Magic?

Dan's first over had two pop up off a length - one at the gloves, one over his head. Sparks were flying, as was the ball, as a slip chance in Dan’s first and second over went to Will, which were eagerly grabbed to screams of derision by SteveO, whos hat is getting slammed in to the ground a lot this season in celebration of others catching success.

Goffy wasn’t as lucky or economical as Dan, conceding 1 run from his 3 over spell, with a chinese cut just missing the stumps for their 1 scoring shot. Their number 3 was bowled by Goffster in the second over.

Dan - 3 overs, 2 for 0.
Goffy, 3 overs 1 for 1.
(6 overs. 1 for 3)

Pat and Mayday on to bowl just as Nadders arrived late, Parachuted in. Pat’s second over was on the Up & Up as 5 of them went for 4, but he got their number 4 who had A Rush of Blood to the Head - stumped by Super Hands.

Maxy had one hit in the air to mid-on. In My Place, it was towards Will and maybe Goffy, but no call from either. Maxy knew he was in Trouble as Goff jogged round at the Speed of Sound and dropped it one handed as the iceberg of Will loomed. Why one hand? 'Slowboating' according to Maxi.

Nadders had one knocked past him at extra cover. He chased after it but Gravity took over as Nadders hit the floor. He got up, and went for a curtain call encore as Gravity took over again as he slipped a second time. 1 run. Could have been 3.

Nadders, SteveO and Rob came on at the end to improve their bowling averages, and all took a wicket – bowled. Luvvers also snatched a catch off Nadders tidy bowling.

Dan 3 – 3 – 0 – 2
Goff 3 – 2 – 1 – 1
Pat 2 – 0 – 27 – 1
Maxy 3 – 0 – 11 - 0
Nadders 3 – 0 – 10 - 2
SteveO 2 – 0 – 7 - 1
Rob – 0.3 – 0 – 2 – 1
62 / 8 (ao) - 16.3 overs.

To win this, Talygarn needed a Higher Power. Max batting points requires no wickets lost, so captain Luvvers went out and spanked it about. Rhys’s helped with some sweeps and dabs. 33 off 3.

Luvvers pushed 1 to mid-wicket. Maybe 1 run there, but the fielder missed and when he’d done The Hardest Part of chasing it down, he booted it further away. Run 5!

No acceleration was needed but we had one anyway. Game over in 5.4 overs. O wickets lost.

Luvvers 36 no
Rhys 25 no
DNB x 9

Not only was it an early finish, but Nadders managed to get to Sophia Gardens and get a selfie with Chris Jordan.

Everyone else off to the Halfway to watch West Ham get kicked about for 2 hours.



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