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Match Report (Cup game) vs Medics 11 May 2023 @ Wenvoe (Skipper Luvvers, report Cheese)

With glorious weather all through the day, it was ominous look to the clouds coming over from Dinas. They bypassed Wenvoe with no deposits which is just as well as the ground could not have taken any more moisture.

We were in for the usual low and slow Wenvoe wicket, the skipper nursing his knee decided to open with Alex in the hope to hit a quick & brutal 25 and retire. As usual the skip was good to his word it was quick and brutal out the first out the first ball of the game to ball the cut sharply back through the gate.

Cheese wandered out to the middle to meet Alex, the next 4 overs were a mixture of jamming the bat to keep the ones on the stumps out and trying to make my sort of contact with the wider ones.

With the balls already ticking past and the score no moving, Cheese flung his bat at a short pitched delivery that he missed on the way down and was trapped in front giving Shagger no options but to tigger him.

With the two has-beens out the way, Rhys and Alex started to build a partnership which started with taking the tip and run singles available before brutally taking apart the ‘off-spinner’ down the ground. In the next four overs the pair managed to quadruple the score and relieve the pressure that had built up over the previous four.

In the ninth over the run rate slightly dropped, as the senior partner Alex tried smash his way out all to play around a straight that kept Wenvoe low and was bowled.

Rhys had started to find his rhythm and was picking up easy singles on a pitch that was anything but, with the help of scrappy second over from the third change we were running at 5 runs an over which was just above par for the wicket.
A decent base now set with Rhys anchoring the innings, the policy of hit out or get out enacted. Jack was victim of the last good ball of the innings slight shaping away and then cutting back in would have been good enough anyone.

After Jack we were into the batsmen who could score or get out either way it was going to fast. Steve-o & Jimmy went the way of the 2nd option, Dan entered the fray ready to support Rhys with his pattered swipe from off to leg with the thinking that if it didn’t get a run to hit it harder!!

Rhys smashed his finally four down the ground inches away from being a 6 then retired which considering the pitch and slowness of the outfield was a great effort; Matt came in with both him and Dan swinging for the fences between the ones that were reachable the score keep climbing. Matt hit shot of the day clearing the rope at the far end with an effortless straight drive.

The end of the innings came quickly with Matt getting a stinker that pretty much rolled on the wicket & Dan top edging a steepler to mid-wicket.

DT & Patrick paired up looking to get the final runs to get us into treble figures with the added target of getting Rhys back in. DT did this with aplomb by distractingly walking out of his crease and getting stumped unfortunately it was the last ball of the innings and the only benefit adding to the legend of DT batting!!

Great effort to get to get over the hundred mark with Rhys & Alex being the main stays of the innings.

Luuvers – 0
Alex – 22
Cheese – 4
Rhys – 25
Jack – 2
Jimmy – 1
Steve-o – 2
Dan – 10
Matt – 8
Pactrick - 1
DT - 1

Although a good score if one of the oppo got a quick 25, the run rate of never going to be issue. The skip with that in mind decided to front load the bowling innings looking to take the wickets as containing looked a way to a slow defeat.

Dan took the first over looking put early pressure on the chasers, the plan worked perfectly with the 2nd mirroring starting the way of the 1st with a wicket on the first ball. The rest of the over was play & misses and inside edges down to fine leg. Dan then booked end his 1st over with another wicket that already at this early stage seemed to deflate the oppo.
DT was the other member of the gun opening pairing and although went for an early four was pretty much unplayable and started to frustrate the oppo no. 2 is was trying for the quick retirement.

The next two overs went for 1 run and the oppo were 9-2 off the first 4 overs; Alex and Jack were the next two bullets in the skippers gun with both kept the pressure on conceding very few and some of these coming from the over zealous umpiring as the oppo saw their chances diminishing as the number of dot balls climbed. Alex picked up a wicket with Jack pouching a catch at extra cover that was dying on him and plucked from the turf at the last chance.

With that the oppo were on 14 – 3 with 5 overs gone; with the game already slipping away from they some lucky shots brough a quick gluttony on runs but Jack & Patrick quickly stamped this out each taking a wicket. Jack producing a false shot that dollied one up to Steve-o to snaffle another one and again Jack taking one in the covers again with Pat plugging away with a dogged line.

Matt & Steve-o took up the mantel to finish the game off and their combined figures of 4-0-6-2; Matt bowled the only batsmen to get into double with a beauty that grazed the top of off; Steve-o giving Jack yet another catch in the covers to complete an outstanding day in the field.

As the cup rules dictate a max of two overs per bowler, after front loading the bowling attack the skip was scrapping the barrel to finish the inning but with Rhys and Cheese left to bowl the skip was fairly certain he could defend 57 of 5 overs. I imagine less certain after Rhys first over left for 10 and cheese penchant for full tosses.
Though he needn’t have worried as Cheese involved no one, mopping up the tail in 6 balls.

Dan; 2-1-2-2
DT; 2-0-7-0
Alex; 1-0-5-1
Jack; 2-0-10-1
Pat; 2-0-15-1
Matt; 2-1-2-1
Steve-o; 2-0-4-1
Rhys; 1-0-10-0
Cheese: 1-0-1-3

Great win for the cazh with Rhys & Alex getting us to a target that as it turns out was plenty.

As it is written is how it was, not amendments will be entertained for spelling; grammar or supposed inaccuracies!!



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