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Match Report vs Uni Staff 25 August 2022 @ Wenvoe (Skipper Luvvers, report Dan)

The last mid-week match of the season vs Rhys’s team Uni Staff. Naren would also play for the staff on this occasion. Most of both teams were at the ground in advance of the 6 pm start time, though don’t think we started on time – which would make the chase for the light at the end of the game that more interesting.

Captain Luvvers (for the rest of the season after Skipper Rich ruptured his achilles v Usk last weekend) lost the toss but was rewarded with batting first. The strip looked cut – which is better than in recent weeks, Alex and Jim with a nose bleed about being that high up the order kicked us off. Jim had supposedly been told by C’ptain Luvvers to play himself in – so bets were had – how many balls would the first cross bat waft occur. DT won with 2. The pair got off to good start with Alex taking most of the strike, but it was Alex who was out caught at cover for 22 in the 6th. 30-1 off 6. 29-5 off 8.

Rob joined Jim and the run rate increased mainly due to Jim connecting with a few and getting a few boundaries including a 6. Rob’s demise was at the expense of some good fielding and glovework by Staff and Rhys behind the stumps – Rob run out going for an optimistic second. 72-2 off 11. The run rate then dropped again with the introduction of some less varied bowling and Steveo with Jim. C’ptain Luvvers was starting to sound a little like Steveo on the side lines (though less vocal) – seeing his chances of getting a bat diminish as the overs ticked by and the score didn’t tick as quick. However with Jim nearing his 50 (agreed retirement amount), it was looking likely that he would have a bit of time at the middle. As it turned out, it was Steveo who missed the straight one in the 15th. Luvvers got in on the act quite early with a maximum into the tennis courts and another into the stream.

Jim was still there stuck on 49 for 3 overs, unfortunately in an attempt to get it over and done with he was agonisingly bowled by a good straight one (whilst aptly try to heave across the line). Dan joined Luvvers for a bit before Luvvers was out caught and Shakey joined Dan for the last few balls. 123-5 off 18.

Jim 49 bowled
Alex H 22 ct
Rob 7ro
Steveo 11 bowled
Luvvers 18ct
Dan 5no
Shakey 0no
Goffy, Paul, Tim, DT - DNB

The sun was still out – and causing mayhem to those at the football pitch end – as low in the sky. Dan opened from the pavilion end and Goffy from the other, it was Goff who struck early in his over bowling the opener off his pads for 0. There a few close misses, but the batsmen managed to tick along with a few boundaries. Goffy picked up 2 more wickets in the 3rd and 4th – the first a very good catch in the deep from Steveo (annoyingly) extending his total as leading catcher, the next an lbw. Dan persisted and got a double wicket maiden in his 4th – Jim again catching an inside edge nick, then 5 balls later with Naren at the crease – Naren tried to push to it along and was caught at mid-wicket by Alex.

At this point with the score on 29-5 off 8, the game looked pretty much over, though Rhys had now come to the crease. DT and Pablo took over the bowling duties. Paul struggled with his line and length and was taken for a few, but in his second over, he enticed Rhys to sweep another leg side delivery back of square – where Dan was lurking – who took a good catch to his left. DT also picked up 2 wickets with his last 2 balls (hattrick ball next game) - one caught by Paul and another by Dan (between his elbows and stomach). By this stage the batters had took their chances and the score had crept up to requiring 30 off 3.

The light was now fading fast and it was difficult to pick the ball up in flight. Steveo had to be moved from his deep fielding position as he couldn’t see the ball any longer plus he was getting attacked by wasps (who could make out a large motionless figure to annoy). It was up to Tim and Shakey to bowl the death overs. Shakey got hit for a maximum and a few singles – 20 required off 2. Tim kept the run rate down assisted by good fielding. 13 required off the last, 2 excellent run outs put the game to bed with 2 balls remaining – first by Rob, second by Luvvers, plus Shakey did well to see and gather the throws. 115ao of 17.4

Dan 4-1-16-2
Goff 4-0-12-3
Dave 4-0-24-2
Paul 3-0-39-1
Mark 1.4-0-16-0
Tim 1-0-8-0
Catches – Steveo, Jim, Alex, Dan x2, Paul
Run out – Rob (&Mark), Luvvers (&Mark)

A good competitive game played in a very friendly spirit and fitting way to finish the mid-week season. Then it was off to the Wenvoe arms for a pint and lots of buffet – and talk of the upcoming tour…



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