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Weight: 13st 11lb(as of 11.32am 15th May 2005)
Nickname: None…yet
Batsman? Bowler? Keeper? None of the above? Something else : Batter, bowler
Batting style? Wide eyed
General cricketing style? Dunno
Previous Teams played for? None
How long have you been (a) casual? 9 years
Number of games played for the Casuals? Dunno
What you bring to the Casuals team? a lift
Who is your Doppleganger? Andy from little Britain
Favourite food? Chinese, Indian, english
Favourite music? Led Zeppelin, Wagner, mozart
Favourite film? Spartacus
Other hobbies? None
What was your last DVD / CD purchase? How the West was Won
( Led Zeppelin)
What 3 people would you most like to invite to a dinner party?: Sir Alex Ferguson, Hitler, Jesus Christ
Ideal Woman? Big chest, round behind,
Age you started playing the glorious game? 5 years old
Best performance? 4 wicket maiden
Favourite game played? Can’t remember the location, Andy Furnham got a last ball boundary to win the match (Miskin Manor)
Favourite venue played …ever? Second ground on first tour to Somerset when we played Dan’s old team (Baltonsborough)
Casual cricketer you most admire and why? Dave Thomas, makes me look good
Funniest moment on the Casuals field? Dr Rubbish falling over at the crease
Favourite tour moment? Saturday night on the first tour to Caio, Paul, nearly taking O’reilly’s head off after waking Paul up whilst staying in Derek’s bungalow.
Favourite Tea had as a casual? Ginger cake at Colwinston. At home would be the BBq that Graeme’s sister in law made ( great body)
I like playing for the casuals because………. It’s a laugh
I hate playing for the casuals because………… no reasons
If I didn’t play so much cricket I’d be………. fatter
Interesting fact………. When Jeff was recently at a hotel, looking at the kitchen facilities he got mistaken for the dumb waiter!....’Yeah I Know’


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