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Rewritten 12/09/22
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Name: Gareth Loveridge
Weight: 12.5 Stone
Nickname: Luvvers
Batsman? Bowler? Keeper? None of the above? Something else : All Rounder
Batting style? Aggresive
General cricketing style? Aggresive
Previous Teams played for? Camrose CC
How long have you been (a) casual? 12 Years on and off (work commitments)
Number of games played for the Casuals? 101 (I think)
What you bring to the Casuals team? Fitness, energy, encouragement in the field
Who is your Doppleganger? New Hawaii 50 actor (so I’m told)
Favourite food? Anything Italian
Favourite music? Indie, Punk Rock
Favourite film? Saving Pte Ryan, Blackhawk Down, generally anything with guns and violence/action
Hobbies? Football, Golf, Cooking
What was your last DVD / CD purchase?

? Last download was Bastille, do they even do DVD’s and CD’s anymore?

What 3 people would you most like to invite to a dinner party?: Freddie Flintoff, Ricky Gervais, Jimmy Bullard
Ideal Woman? Pammy
Age you started playing the glorious game? 12
Best performance? 125 no
Favourite game played? Huntley Tour Game, chip being passed around was genuinely making us better at fielding due to the consequences, also realised that I’m a Leg Spinner not a fast bowler!
Favourite venue played …ever? Cambridge University Ground for the Army, incredible pitch, views, facilities
Cricketer you most admire and why? Freddie Flintoff, 100% commitment whether batting, bowling or fielding. Never give up attitude and a warrior for the team
Casual cricketer you most admire and why? Will MW – Just seems to get runs every time he bats. Steveo – Genuinly so chuffed every time he gets a wicket or catch. Dan – Relentless line and length consistency when bowling

Funniest moment on the Casuals field? Either Shakes carefully putting down a cake when the ball was in the air coming towards him, or the tour game against Huntley with the chips getting passed around, something to laugh at every two minutes.
Favourite tour moment? Steveo calling the spoof number correctly but being brought back in for celebrating or the late night spoofing in the hotel in Winchester until about 7am
Favourite Tea had as a casual? (Home or Away) Huntley will take some beating
I like playing for the casuals because………. The spirit is amazing, no one screams and shouts when a mistake is made and every player contributes at some point, most importantly they’re a great bunch of blokes
I hate playing for the casuals because………… They will try to turn me into a bigger shirt size eventually
If I didn’t play so much cricket I’d be………. lost, lonely, bored, very sad


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